Page 119
on February 28, 2012
at 12:00 am
And here we go ! First page updated on Petite Symphony ^^
This page gave me one hell of a hard time, fighting me with all its might to keep me from drawing it. But I think it was worth it in the end. Looks like Joshua is pissed off now ^^
woot! welcome
Congratulations on the big move, and I love the new look! Kudos to you, Ethan, and the Petite Symphony crew! ^o^
Congrats on the successful move!
Looks like it’s Joshua’s turn to use his little attachment thingy
i love your comics man and congrats on moveing to this site 😛
He sure got bloody from that bush lol.
Congrats on the move Ethan! I like Josh’s hair movement in each panel. That bush looked like it hurt like hell. GEM ACTIVATION, GO! I’m wondering what Josh’s ability will be.
Hopefully, his hand won’t turn into an ear. XD
\^o^// Mya-mya!
By the way, eyes look like they have become totally black, not like they are darkened with hair.
Well with a grin like that last panel he sure doesn’t /look/ very scared…
And yay! New comic!
I think he got to deep wounds from only a bush, but what the hay, your comic 😀
Did the move as smoothly as you thought Ethan?
Also, why is that gem thing glowing?
Welcome there! Your work promise! =D
Welcome to the site!
Thanks for the kind words everyone 😀
sswweeaatt , a new comic with Petite Symphony “BOOYEA” , and also that it looks like that someone is going to unleash their power “aawweessoommee”