HAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG I got a good laugh out of this one. I really needed that. I agree with hamstap, zoom zoom zoom, I think Marianne reached the land speed record…and then broke it. That mini pentagon panel is priceless! XD
DDAAMMNN, Go Zach go go go Zach it’s your birthday it’s your barthday AANNDD, Go Sarah go go go Sarah it’s your birthday it’s your birthday , HAHAHAHAHA
Drakara, glad someone likes how my mind works, and Exposion Zuruck, I’ve always thought, why not have an ORGY with GEORGIE!! HEE HEE!! I do love this comic.
*spit take* BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! XD
Poor Marianne. She will never unsee. o.O
i..i..just.no..just no i cant unsee and my brain is making it worse…help
I don’t know why, but i feel kinda sad reading this page. I really don’t know why. Just sad
10 minutes?
ROFLMAO THAT RED FACE!!! She just broke another land speed record.
76&^( Yeah! B-]
When the lake is a-rockin’… ~__^
Why is everyone sad? :p
There might be a price tag on that ;p
Name it! xD
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG I got a good laugh out of this one. I really needed that. I agree with hamstap, zoom zoom zoom, I think Marianne reached the land speed record…and then broke it. That mini pentagon panel is priceless! XD
Et ben pinaise! Si on pouvait s’attendre à ça =D
Well, I saw this coming. Just not this early. But hey, they make a cute couple. ^^
Cant.. GASP… Stop laughing! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! You lucky blue zebra!
Yo! Hit dat thing! >:D
Hm this somehow is not surprising… Get some!!
DDAAMMNN, Go Zach go go go Zach it’s your birthday it’s your barthday AANNDD, Go Sarah go go go Sarah it’s your birthday it’s your birthday , HAHAHAHAHA
> On a somewhat related note, night lighting is a bitch
I did not …see that comeing …… e.e
Nice one! ^^ Ethan do you thougt of streaming the comic while you are drawing it? Would be awesome!
I’ve done more than think about it. I streamed this very page ^^
I think she may have face planted that bush that she seems to have button hooked around.
And I am sure some one else was face planting a bush of their own. ;P>3
May i ask for a Link where i can see, when you´re streaming something
It’s the “Follow G17 on Livestream“, just right from the comic page 😉
Many thanks! ^_^
that was just priceless LMAO!! my guts hurt now xDDD!!
Let’s do it like the Discovery Channel!!! Have to say it… Sorry.. xD I wonder what their kid(s) will be? Cow + Zebra = ??????? O_o
who says they can breed? unless they are on The Planet of Doctor Moreau, they are different species if not aliens to each other, arent they?
and even if they are chimera type, that alone could leave them genetically speciated.
Cow+Zebra = Cobra?
Cow + Zebra = Cobra?…I like how your mind works.
Thanks, got a good laugh out of that XD.
I dunno choo choo george. But I see an ORGY goin’ on ova there yo!
I think every one can say they walked in on that at some point in their lives or had a moment like they did XD
off topic as all hell. but i MUST know if the leopard kid and Alan survived the fall. doubtible, but….with the grafts and all…one can never know.
Drakara, glad someone likes how my mind works, and Exposion Zuruck, I’ve always thought, why not have an ORGY with GEORGIE!! HEE HEE!! I do love this comic.
Dang. I really need to follow this comic better. Was thrown off when you switched sites but…