Page 133
on June 19, 2012
at 1:00 am
Better late than never, huh ?
I’ll be honest with you guys : I don’t like this page. Sure, I had to work through a severe case of depression to make it happen, but still… The dialogue is clunky, the linework isn’t exactly good, and the backgrounds suck a major amount of balls. I’m definitely not proud of my work here, but that’s the best I could come up with without missing an update again. The only silver lining is, I experimented a bit with speech bubbles, following advice from Mastergodai. They look sharper now, I think I’m going to keep them that way.
See you next tuesday ^^
Hello Ethan,
hmmm how to tell you this. Do you ever see “A womans scent” with Al Pacino? If not then do it! At the Tango-Scene he says something to the Woman (i´ve only seen it in german, so i have to translate sry if its not exactly correkt): “When you make a mistake you simply have to continue with dancing!”
Maybe i´m mistaken and it was another Film but Al`Pacino is still great in this Film and i hope you know hwat i wanted to say. ^__^
Your Work here is great don´t ever give it up and let your followers see the next amazing what 1000 pages or more.
Best Regards
huh, I’ve been reading and you know what I don’t think that little bunny girl is going to do anything bad now.
Cool, finally getting down to why Marianne has been quiet this evening/night. I don’t know why, but I feel that Morgane sounds and appears older than before. I really like Marianne’s usage of “swear words,” It makes things funny.
Hi Ethan,
Tsk, tsk, tsk, such a critic you are of your work, I agree with Magnus, your art work and story are very highly enjoyable and very entertaining, don’t down grade yourself, sure we all have our down times, but take it from me, I love your work and story very much. I find your work very well drawn and I can understand how much time & effort goes into making it. So just keep on going, cause I’m sure there’s a lot of fans of Gen 17 that do enjoy it
I think it’s a very good story. And the artwork is improving so nicely from the start. It’s pretty good looking and I hope you flesh out the whole story so we get some answers! :]