Page 136
Looks like the mantis got its revenge after all. Funny how I feel like an ass for making my characters go through this ^^’
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Ouch that has to hurt… have to say things are indeed getting interesting
oh wow !
For a second there, I thought Sarah had gone one-winged angel on us…So hers develops copied/scaled structures based on organic association?
You may be onto something there. These spheres each of them have on their bodies, I’ve been wondering if they aren’t some type of symbiotic alien or something. It make a kind of sense if you think about it.
ya, and the theroy just seems to be more positive when that symbiotic wing of hers showed up, or that creepy crawly on Marianne’s hand, or the wierd armor all hand Joshua has. Hey u think Zach will get a armored chest piece? and Margane, well I think the pschic like powers she seems to be showing off. Morgane seeing Sarah getting hurt maybe proof of that, or me overthinking things
wow I would be screwed if killing bugs ended like this 😮
D8 what did i miss?
…and just what the heck is going on here.
what is that right there? seriously what is that? did plants finally go rogue? is the enemy releasing a biological safty alarm on those little gem things on them and this happend!?! what did I miss 0_o
Ok the things that they have on them, well it look like Sarah’s is doing something weird. Cannot wait to see the next comic ^^
i think its because when she swatted the mantis she broke its arm off and “into” the sphere
You are right, after looking at the comic again, the little things on them give them enchanced abilites but also it adapts, Josh well he used the butcher knife and he got cut up so most likly the thing on his hand is going to become like armor, Morgan cuz she swatted that Praying Mantis is going to get something idk what, Marian well she got electrocuted at the beginning so that is why she can shoot stuff, the others idk yet, Morgan I think because she has some mental problems her piece is giving her various psychic abilities and Zack idk yet
Is that some sort of claw thing growing out of her back?
Several, actually, and they’re more organic scythes, instead of claws, per say.
Actually, if you look more closely, there are two arm-like segments and then a third segment ending in the three fingers with the edges facing inwards. Its kinda like the claws of the robot from “Lost in Space”.
F***ing Hell! O.o
Put it like this; the jewel-parasites are like the face-huggers from alien… except they don’t actually kill the host when they manifest, they just… well, explode into being. And are occasionally helpful. Not the exact situation here, but…
G’damn man! That’s just sick.
if something like this happens to all the jewels…
Bloody Hell! What is that thing that nearly killed Sarah?
oh daaaamn that doesn’t look good OoO
Infested Terran anyone? O_o
holy crap is that a claw hand thing
Daammnn! Look at that hand coming out of her shoulder!
If i remember right when they escaped a staff member asked the big bad
boss if he should send someone after them he replyed no.
I kinda think that these things are gona end up replacing the entire body
till the hosts are under total control.
Wait ive got a question.
Could it be that that thing is organic ?
She’s deffenintly dead…… If she’s not it is sorta unrealistic….. Cause if if she does have a special power, that’s to much blood lose.
@Darkpaw: It doesn’t look like that much blood to me to be honest…
Also “unrealistic” ??? really?
Ok, ok, clam down!
Mate, that is not nearly enough blood loss to kill, or even knock her out. Chances are, the pain just knocked her out. And as for blood loss, you can lose two quarts of blood and live, even three quarts is not likely to kill you, and shes a bit overweight, medically speaking, so she has more blood than most, in other words. Coupled with the advanced healing factor, and whatnot, she is likely to wake up in a day or two, and be just fine, discounting her new appendage.
Oh, that makes sense and lolz
if i can see where it first came from i can probably see how much damage it has done to her figure out its main cause and see how strong it is i got this entire plot in da bag. because thats how sherlock did it =p
… Wait, if we look closely… didn’t the jewel on her shoulder used to be purple?
Yes, yes it did. Now it’s a lovely shade of green. Very similar to the color of morgane’s gem thingy.
Speaking of Morgane, isn’t her fur color like a grayish blue? Now I noticed it’s a nice light brown or sand color. Is it because of the lighting in front of her or did you decide to change her fur color? Just curious, and please don’t kill off Sarah, she’s like a mother to everyone else and will be sorely missed by everyone including us fans, I’m sure.
Her crystal turned GREEN! AND she has a CLAW COMING OUT OF HER SHOULDER.
It appears to me that the shards evolve from whatever caused them to activate. Marianne was electrified, Joshua used the cleaver, and Sarah squished a mantis arm.
I, uh, noticed that it’s a bit longer than “NEXT WEEK”. You okay?
Yeah, sorry. Several problems showed up and I’m still working on the next page. I’ll clear things up once I post it.
IT’s cool, just wanted to make sure you were okay.
where is the next page all of ur readers are in suspense and the next page its making us more curious please post
your busy we get that but everyone is in suspense please stop the suspension and post the next page 🙂
Just be patient. He’s working on it, I’m sure.
I’ve got to say this entire comic has been a gigantic ‘wtf?’ for me, and I’ve no clue at all as to what’s going on… but I still like it.
Maybe there’s a backstory that I’m unaware of, but this is obviously not a world based on anything currently in existence, and yet nothing is explained. Context makes me want to think that this is an advanced civilization of anthropomorphic beings living peacefully together that suddenly got enslaved by an alien race.
start the show, start the show, start the-
oh, my bad.
start the page, start the page, start the page; looking forward to next page ^_^d
Did you die or something?
Dude. Life takes precedence over writing comics. From what I’ve heard, he’s got a lot of shit going on. People need to stop pushing at him. He’ll post a comic when he’s got one.