Page 169
on January 26, 2014
at 1:00 am
There was supposed to be a page between the last one and this one, but it was mostly filler that brought up some interesting background elements. While I like to flesh out G17’s universe, these elements didn’t really justify a page on their own, so I scrapped it and went directly to this page.
Also, I finally put together a new vote incentive on TWC. Click on the link on the right to vote for G17 ! 🙂
I have a funny feeling that something is wrong with this Village.
Lucy from BCB in first panel! :3
I have the same feeling and its killing me O.O* shivers from feeling*
Let’s hope that kid still remembers her.
Either that or this is his twin brother that was released earlier.
Water tends to have to flow from someplace, so it might be possible the water below the kid fell into might have flowed to here.
The Kid is alive!^^ And the Deer??
Bianca, and Josh better stay together xD ima be all sad if she’s all corrupt and stuff and they arn’t lovers and that aspect never develops into a relationship we can all see D: those two are perfect but the Spider legs… they arn’t having babies any time soon xDD
I hope we don’t have a soylent green thing going on here!
Haha I know this is an unrealistic request but you need to churn these out faster!! A little part of me dies every time I check the web-comic and it has not yet updated 😛
I wish I could ! Unfortunately if I worked on G17 24/7, I wouldn’t make any money, and unfortunately I need some to buy food and pay rent :p
You… You need food?! I thought you were ‘like Dragon Warrior or something, and able to live on cosmic energy and drop of water. Man, my world is ruined now…
I knew it hes alive a’n kick’n!
KID!!! Now, where Alan?