Page 125
on April 10, 2012
at 1:00 am
Sorry for the lateness. I guess I overdid thing in this page (the 2nd panel was a BITCH to get right), and coupled with some poor planning, well, I upload later than usual.
Anyway, I hope you had a enjoyable Easter and ate lots of chocolate. See you next week ^^
EDIT : Photoshop decided to crash on me and won’t start again for some reason. Page 126 will be late. Sorry :c
Can´t wait for next update! ^_^ soo much time -.-
Well isn’t morgane just the little hidden box of talents today!
And I just realized, pig and apples! It’s luau time!!!
it may be the jewel on her forehead that has given her ‘hidden’ talents.. or am i giving Ethan Qix plot ideas?
morgan can cut meat and is scared o.o or disgusted…iteresting XD
Ok so she listen´s voices in her head, she was raped aarently, and she knows how to slice a pork in little pieces…is she really a bunny? O_o
Morgane did that!!!! O_O
Hell if she can do that, then she should be on Iron Chef America.
What can they say, Morgane is one talented little bunny.
Each character keeps coming up with a surprising talent, hope the smoke from their campfire doesn’t give their position away to any one looking for them, otherwise I can see Ethan coming up with another battle idea. Do love and enjoy Gen 17 very much, can’t wait for more.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. i need my gen 17 fix…im having withdrawls heeeerreee~
ok, I’ve got to say I’m surprised here. I don’t know if it’s b/c of how natural Morgrane is at cutting meat; but how is she sane right now? I’d think the voices in her head would have had her n a frenzy like it did for the hedgehog.
:eyepopping:..o0;…Heheh heh, uh, not to hurt any feelings or anything…but I’d SUDDENLY feel ‘compelled’ to be really really REALLY(ok…i’d dial it back a bit to avoid a misunderstanding of/from the cow) nice to the bunny Morgrane. ^ ^; Especially when she’s less than a yarn away from where i SLEEP!