Page 126
Sorry for missing last week’s update. It was because of a bit of poor planning, a non negligible portion of technical problems and a hefty lack of time because of job hunting.
The technical problem, namely Photoshop going kaboom on me and stubbornly refusing to restart afterwards, finally made me switch to SAI. I must say that’s it has been a very pleasant experience so far, and that I’ll probably keep working with it from now on. The only weak point is the absence of text layers, so I had to reinstall PS just for that… But it’s mostly behaving now.
The job hunting problem, on the other hand, doesn’t look like it’s gonna end anytime soon. I’ve been unemployed for a little while now, which means no steady income anymore 😡 I’m in no immediate danger of not being able to pay the rent, but if you want to help me, donations or commissions are very welcome. You can donate by clicking on the puppy-eyed Morgane, and detais for commissions are on my Fur Affinity page. Thanks !
See you next week :3
Furaffinity link in the post is without URL.
Fixed. That’ll teach me to type at 2am ^^
haha awesome page love the way his brain thinks XD
Awsome update. love bottom left panel
well, he seemed to have the same expression as us from the last page doesn’t he?
O.o As I said in the last page, Morgane is one talented little bunny. I really like the different scenes she’s in on this page, especially as the butcher. She must be enjoying herself from the look on her face in the panels of skinning and slicing.
Seems perfectly normal for cute innocent bunny to know how to skinned and butcher a boar.
I say both man. Go for both.
ok morgane scares me now alil o.o
Butcher Bunny is hunting youuuuu…. ^^ Love it!
Morgane looks soooo cute and innocent and lovely in the first panel, amazing at her skills, by the way good luck in your job hunting, I know it can be tough.
Has anyone else notice that Sarah graft has gotten bigger and bigger? I know she isn’t in a couple of the newer pages but reading through again I notice that.
I like to throw in a Monty Python joke here, but it was already to late with this strip!! xD Also you have her as a Donation Icon which is now ironic Ethan. Josh might need the Holy Hand Grenade soon or later or find one at least…. >_>
I dunno whether to be disturbed or turned on…… But hell she’s my kind of butcher bunny!
my face was exactly like josh, that make laugh a lot XD
😀 Ya! I shared his shock/reaction from panel one…all the way up till he put … “I don’t know whether to be disturbed or [b]turned on[/b].”
;/ Sorry but Morgrane would need a few more years of development to put me in THAT dilemma! *currently: Mildly-disturbed*
lol my brain does that too o3o
Mah nuts shrunk after reading this page. 0_o;